Friday, February 25, 2011


No, I don't mean go away or get out of here.  I'm talking today about the stuff you find in the woods that animals leave behind.  You know, their poop! Better known as scat.  Wait don't quit reading just yet.  Hang in there with me.  My teenage daughters will tell you that when we go for adventurous hikes in the woods, I get all excited when I spy an animals scat along the path.  Sometimes I even find it off the beaten path which makes the discovery that much more exciting.

I love tracking animals through the woods or prairies.  I get a real adrenaline rush as I look for evidence of their comings and goings along their well worn trails or simply finding proof they have been there.  I look for things such as chewed off stems from low growing brush, bark that is missing or has been rubbed off of small trees, leaves that have been disturbed, grass that is matted down, feathers or fur which has been removed from an animal or bird, and branches in a tall tree where the bark has been stripped away.  These are just a few of the signs I look for when tracking critters through the forest and field.  I'm not a professional by any means.  I like to do it for recreational purposes and the sense adventure and discovery.

When I was much younger, I'll never forget something I learned from watching a TV program called Kung Fu, (1972-1975).  Yes, TV has it's educational moments.  I remember watching an episode of my favorite Kung Fu master as he spoke words of wisdom to his understudy, better known as Grasshopper.  They were walking through the forest and the Kung Fu master was telling him to look for the unnatural among the natural. I know it sounds really simple, but many years later as I was roaming through the mysterious forest, I was reminded of those very words, "Look for the unnatural among the natural".  I never walked through the forest with "closed" eyes again.

Hence, my fascination with finding scat and other animal signs.  Here are some pictures you may find quite interesting.  Some scat you will be able to identify right away, others may take you by surprise.

Raccoon Scat

Deer Scat

Muskrat or Otter Scat

Porcupine Scat

Rabbit Scat
So, the next time you go roaming around in the woods, take time to look at the flowers, but don't forget about the scat too!  It may not be as pretty as the flowers, but it will tell you a little something about the animals who call the forest or prairie their home.

I'm reminded of something else too, when it comes to looking for the unnatural among the natural.  We live in a world that is full of chaos and strife.  It's all about "me" or "I", if you know what I mean. Maybe you've heard the saying, "It's a dog eat dog world".  It doesn't take a political, economical, or social scientist to tell us things are going terribly wrong in our world today.  There is more hatred than love it seems and hopelessness drives millions to depression and despair.  This seems to be the natural order of things today.  But what if we looked for the "unnatural among the natural".  I mean what if we loved, instead of hated.  What if we gave, instead of took.  What if we helped, instead of hindered.  What if we cared, instead of shrugging our shoulders and walking away.  Jesus said in John 13:34-35, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.  By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."  You see, we can become the unnatural among the natural!  We can lend a helping hand.  We can love the unfortunate and downtrodden.  We can share our hope with others and lift their eyes to Jesus.  We can involve ourselves in others lives because we love!

I hope someone will see the "unnatural" (as far as the world is concerned), love of God in you and me today and discover the evidence of His love for them.  I pray that as we travel the pathways of our lives, God will lead us to someone who may be at their crossroads, and we'll extend a friendly hand to them and gently guide them to Jesus.  I don't know about you, but I'm already looking for the "unnatural among the natural".

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